Abbreviations: AF=Menstral Cycle | BBS or BB = Breasts | CM = Cervical Mucus | DD = Dear Darling Daughter/Son | DPO = Days Past Ovulation | HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
* I had a few odd twinges in my lower abdomen, but nothing at all like my usual pre-AF cramps.
* I usually don't have many symptoms of menstral cycle coming, but I do get tired and a little irritable (not noticeable by others).
* What was so strange for me was that I had a bit of AF cramping without any of the heaviness or bloating that I normally get with it, & that's what made me suspicious! I tested on the day AF was due & it was +++++, so I'll see what happens next time.
* Usually I never get AF cramps until AF arrives. HOWEVER ? had them starting 2 weeks (!) before AF was expected, up until about 10w pregnant!!!
* When I was pregnant with DD, I totally thought AF was coming. I was crampy & bloated feeling, but AF never came. This time I thought I HAD AF (bleeding for five days but lightly), but it turned out I was pregnant! (Never would have known if I hadn't been temping & the temps were really high.)
* I had major AF cramps and all my other AF symptoms with both of my pregnancies. I didn't test this last time until 18dpo, which was 6 days late for me, because I was so convinced it was coming ? I was shocked when the test turned immediately positive.
* Not for me. I just woke up and realized I had not started the day before ... no cramps, no bleeding no nothing
* Oh, yeah! I definitely thought AF was coming. I am almost 3 months pg, and still sometimes I feel like AF is coming. You just never know.
* I'm with everyone else. I also thought AF was coming. Actually, I had what I thought was AF for 3 days, when in fact it was implantation bleeding.
* When I was pg with DS, I was sure AF was coming. It took me a week of AF being late to finally say maybe I should take an HPT. With this pg, I knew I was pg. Since having my son, I never get premenstrual cramps anymore, so as soon as I started cramping, I knew.
* ME ME ME ? in fact, I had gone to my general practitioner to get my allergy medication filled, and he asked me when my LMP was. I was only a day late at the time, which is NOT abnormal for me. My response was, ''I am about to start any minute, because I am cramping and my breasts are sore.'' These have ALWAYS been symptoms of my period. The Dr insisted I take a PG test, and it was POSITIVE!!
* I had AF cramps on and off until I was 10 wks.
* Absolutely!! I ran to the bathroom for 4 days straight just swearing that AF had started, and lo and behold, it never came.
* Here are the symptoms I had, and the dpo I noticed them (I kept a day journal)!
4dpo and on ? Very tired.
8dpo ? Face and shoulder breaking out, very irritable.
9dpo ? Temp dip ? thought it was over!
10dpo ? Huge glob of stretchy white cm.
9dpo and on ? Very wet cm, and lots of it!
12dpo and on ? Temps up.
Tested 16dpo (2 days late). Frequent urination, food aversions, metal mouth, slight spotting, abundance of wet cm, high temps, lost weight (but no m/s).
* Absolutely nothing!
* More tender than usual breasts. Tenderness didn't go away before AF as it usually does. AF didn't show up on time. That's really it!
* Frequent urination starting immediately after conception. Sore breasts.
* Ovulation was somewhere around May 21. Don't know exactly when, because I was not charting. AF was due June 8th or 9th or so. Usually 2 weeks before AF my breasts get sore, but they didn't until about June 6th. Tested afternoon of June 6th; it was negative. Didn't start AF on Saturday morning; decided to test, and it was positive. It was only after I tested positive (within a couple days) that I started frequent peeing and sore breasts. Otherwise, very few symptoms.
* Urinary frequency (bad!) at about 14 dpo, along with AF-like cramping and breast tenderness.
* Change in sense of taste & smell.
* Large nipples, metal mouth, teenage acne, fatigue, couldn't drink OJ, tea, coffee or alcohol
* Extreme exhaustion (before I even knew I was pregnant) and sore bb's. At about 6 weeks pg, really bad nausea.
* Extremely sensitive smell.
* Most of the same as everyone else. A few others were light-headedness (in the shower mainly) and gagging (or vomiting) EVERY time I brushed my teeth. Almost from implantation to delivery!
* Metal mouth, sensitive gag reflex, thought I had the flu (mild nausea), different smelling urine, areolas starting to darken.
* For me, I had no symptoms whatsoever way into my 2nd month of pregnancy.
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