quarta-feira, agosto 02, 2006

Ovulação onde estás tu?

All my signs suggest ovulation (wet cervical fluid, increased sex drive, tender breasts) but my temperature has not risen and ovulation is not detected on my chart. Is it possible that I have already ovulated, but my chart is not showing it?

Only the thermal shift will help you pinpoint ovulation with any kind of certainty, while all other signs are good indicators that ovulation might be approaching and that you have increased fertility. While it is certainly possible to ovulate without your temperature showing it, (especially if your temperature-taking habits are less than ideal*), ovulation can only be pinpointed by a thermal shift.

This is because progesterone, the hormone that is released only after ovulation, causes your temperature to shift slightly- so once you have a thermal shift, you can be reasonably sure that you ovulated on the previous day. (...) You should keep having intercourse until ovulation is confirmed by a clear and sustained thermal shift.

* Tiro a temperatura sempre à mesma hora inclusivé aos fins de semana, tomo nota de quaisquer perturbações no sono, mas de qualquer forma não tem havido perturbações nas últimas semanas.

Ver aqui the 28th day myth
